Alexis: Finding the Right Support

Alexis: Finding the Right Support picture

Alexis* is a bright and personable 14-year-old girl who has had ongoing behavioral difficulties both at home and school.

After some particularly challenging episodes, Alexis’s mother, Nicole*, had come to realize that her behavior was beyond her control and filed a Child Requiring Assistance (CRA) application with the Juvenile Court. The presiding judge referred Alexis to ACS for a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation. An ACS clinician met with Alexis, interviewed her family members and teachers, and carefully reviewed her extensive medical and school records.

Alexis had received a range of mental health diagnoses over the years and had worked with multiple providers, yet things had not improved. The clinician knew that without the right interventions, Alexis was at high risk for dropping out of school, putting her at greater risk for further involvement in the juvenile justice system.

Nicole found it difficult to communicate her daughter’s complex challenges to her school. To support Nicole, the clinician attended a meeting at the school to help clarify and advocate for Alexis’s needs. The clinician recommended that Alexis be permitted to return to public school, but noted that her success depended strongly on the school’s willingness to provide special accommodations to support her transition back into the classroom.

A few months after Alexis’s re-enrollment, Nicole wrote to ACS, “Thank you again for your help in getting her back into school! Thank you for all of your advice and assistance over the last year. Hopefully we will be in a stretch of smooth sailing, and I appreciate your offer of assistance if needed.”


*To protect confidentiality, ACS does not use the names, photos, or identifying features of our clients.

Thank you again for your help in getting her back into school!